十月 21, 2006


这两天感觉心情有点浮躁,做什么事都静不下心来,以后得早一点休息了,最近都睡的太晚,终究对身体也不好。今天看了五集"Rome",不知道所反映的罗马 生活是否真实准确,从剧中看来,当时的罗马人性观念倒是挺开放的。其中最为淫荡、阴险的一个女人就是屋大维的老娘,为了政治目的和自身利益而到处勾引男 人,在床上翻云覆雨的时候旁边还得有一群仆人伺候着。屋大维十三四岁的时候,他妈妈就逼着他去嫖妓,还无耻的跟她儿子说"你祖父在你这么大的时候,家中女 仆没有一个安全的",可想而知当时罗马贵族生活是多么糜烂。而作为社会最底层的奴隶则完全没有任何的自由可言,作为奴隶就是任人买卖、任人践踏的。庞贝在 被凯撒逼迫不得不放弃罗马撤到西班牙的时候对服侍他的奴隶说了一段话,大意是"你这可怜虫,没有自己的思想,只要做主人吩咐的事,不必为以后操心"。 "Rome"确实是一部好剧,希望能快出第二季。

  1. 英语

    Since 1823, the most popular way to see lake Genera is by lake steamer. Hop on and travel to the charming city of Lausanne. It has both an upper and lower town. In the Haute Vila(upper town), you will see reminders of the Middle Ages. Exploring on foot is the best way to see this old section of town. You might get lost in the narrow, winding streets, but that's part of the fan. In Ouchy(lower town), sports enthusiasts may want to visit the Olympic Museum. Lausanne is the headquarters of the International Olympic committee.
    A short train ride brings you to the resort town Vevey. In Vevey's historic old town, interesting shops and restaurants line the narrow streets. Stop in at the tourist office and get a free brochure called "On the Trail of Hemingway". The brochure will lead you to places that hemingway and other famous people have visited in Vevey. For something out of the ordinary, visit the Musee de I' Alimentarium. The museum celebrates the development of food around the world. Inside, you can push buttons on exhibits to smell different foods.
    Lausanne 洛桑,瑞士西部城市,位于日内瓦湖北岸
    reminder 提醒的人,暗示
    remainder 残余,剩余物,其他的人
    Hemingway 海明威
    Musee 沉思,缪斯女神
  2. Java 今天就看了一个小时,Java的学习刚刚开始,现在才接触到真正有用的东西。
  3. 练字 练了一个多小时,没啥感觉。
  4. 运动 今天太冷,感觉好累好累,回来的时候才开始出汗,以后得想着做点其它运动了。
  5. 上课 信息论又逃了,打破了我人生记录,一周的课统统逃了。
