十月 16, 2006


  1. Java
    今天看Inner class看的稀里糊涂的,可能是那会也不太专心,好多概念都没搞懂。明天主要把这几天看的东西复习一下吧,许多都忘了。
  2. 英语
    Abby in love
    17 years old Abby is spending a lot of time with her classmate Brandon. Her parents
    Dany and Cindy remind her she is not allowed to date till she finishs high school.
    Abby insists she and Brandon are just friends, Dany is skeptical. Then one day Dany
    and Cindy come home early, they find Abby and Brandon hugged on the coach watching
    TV. Dany sends Brandon home and Abby gets upset. "I'm sorry, but the no dating rule
    is so unfair." she says,"Brandon is a great guy, please think about let me date
    him." Dany sends Abby to her rome, so he and Cindy can talk.
    If you are Dany or Cindy, what would you do?
    Decision one
    Cindy: Honey, maybe Abby is right, maybe we are being too strict.
    Dany: Whether we are or not, we need to punish Abby. She can't just break our rules
    when she doesn't agree with them.
    Cindy: Did she really break a rule. We don't know that she and Brandon are
    actually dating.
    Dany: They are absolutely more than just friends.
    Cindy: Maybe, but their relationship still seems innocent. Maybe wo should let her
    Dany: Honey, if we change the rule now, she'll think she can break any rules she disagrees with.
    Cindy: I guess you are right, she can wait today until after she graduates. She should be focusing on school now anyway.
    hug 拥抱,依偎
    curfew 宵禁,门禁
    you are grounded 你被禁止出门。管教孩子很管用

  3. 练字
  4. 运动
  5. 上课
