十月 25, 2006



  1. 英语
    Why I speak with a funny accent
    "Time to go play in the playground, everyone!", my daycare teacher said. All the kids run outside-except me. I just stared up at her. I didn't have a clue what she was saying. When the teacher gestured toward the playground, only then did I understand. I was four years old at the time. Little did I know, but this was the beginning of my lifelong language troubles.
    I was born and grew up in England, but up until the age 5, I spoke little English. My parents only spoke Chinese at home, my only playmates, my cousins also spoke Chinese.
    After seeing how lost I was in daycare, my parents began to worry about my English. They didn't think it would be good enough when I entered kindergarten. So my parents established an all English environment at home. They began to speak only English to me and encourged me to watch English TV programs. My mom also took me to the local library every week to borrow English books.
    Children learn languages easily, and I was no exception. Very soon, I was as fluent as any English child my age. But what's about my Chinese? Well, this's a different story.
    Encouraged to speak in English, I used Chinese less and less often. By the time I was a teenager, I decided I didn't want to speak Chinese anymore. I was happy speaking just English. But my parents weren't so happy about that. Again, they have to take drastic action.
    Our all-English home environment then became all-Chinese environment. If I ever spoke to my parents in English, they pretended not to understand. I have to speak in Chinese before they would answer me. At first, I was stubborn and simply stoped speaking to them. But eventually I grudgingly gave in. My parents then realized that I had forgotten a lot of my Chinese. But personally, I wasn't bothered that my Chinese wasn't good. Whom did I need to speak it with, I spoke English with my friends at school. And my parents' English was good. I didn't need to be bilingual.
    I did have some Chinese friends, too-both in school and church. But they didn't speak Chinese, either. And their parents certainly didn't force them to. I wished my parents would more like theirs. For many years, my parents and I was at odds with each other on this issue. We all felt frustrated.
  2. Java
  3. 练字
  4. 运动
