十月 28, 2006



  1. 英语
    Numbers and logic smart
    Those who are numbers and logic smart excel at math and science. They can also use logic to solve problems such as scientific experiments. They like to analyze situations or learn how something works. These first two intelligences help students succeed in school.
    Picture smart
    People who are good visualizing things are picture smart. As children, these people like to draw or play with blocks. As students they learn better if ther are tought using images not words. When they grow up, they make good artists,architects and engineers.
    Body smart
    Children who can't sit still may fall into the body smart category. These children are well coordinated and enjoy physical activities like sports. They learn fast when they are shown how something is done rather than just told. People who are body smart make good athletes, actors and Physical therapists.
    Music smart
    People who enjoy creating music may be music smart. People with this intelligence have a good sense of rhythm and pitch. They understand the relationship between music and emotion. People with careers related to music likely have this intelligence.
  2. Java
  3. 练字
  4. 上课
