十月 30, 2006


今天又在寝室煮火锅吃,20块的羊肉,十几元的各式各样丸子,一元一棵的大白菜,两个土豆,两个胡萝卜。三个人吃到撑得不行了还剩下半棵 白菜,好多鱼丸吃不下。住在大运村就是这点好,用什么电器都没人管的,以后就每周末煮火锅吃了,哈哈哈哈哈!

十月 29, 2006


中午逛byr论坛的时候,在搜索引擎版发现了Google Camp招人的帖子,其中有一职位Google Camp Engineer:专门负责跟踪GOOGLE 的技术以及整个相关领域的动向,以配合Google公司的校园技术活动。哈哈,这不就是给我量身定做的么,马上发了邮件,倾诉了一番对Google的仰慕之情。然后就是静静的等待,晚上八点gtalk提示新邮件,兴奋地去查看,果然是GC的回复,没想到我竟然是第一个发邮件的。说是两天内会再和我联系,要做一简单面试什么的,信是用英文写的,别面试时是个外国人,那我就惨了,就我那烂口语。看别人用英语写出来的东西,真是自叹不如,口语、听力、写作一无是处,就阅读还勉强说的过去,有点迷茫,不知该从何学起了。

十月 28, 2006



  1. 英语
    Numbers and logic smart
    Those who are numbers and logic smart excel at math and science. They can also use logic to solve problems such as scientific experiments. They like to analyze situations or learn how something works. These first two intelligences help students succeed in school.
    Picture smart
    People who are good visualizing things are picture smart. As children, these people like to draw or play with blocks. As students they learn better if ther are tought using images not words. When they grow up, they make good artists,architects and engineers.
    Body smart
    Children who can't sit still may fall into the body smart category. These children are well coordinated and enjoy physical activities like sports. They learn fast when they are shown how something is done rather than just told. People who are body smart make good athletes, actors and Physical therapists.
    Music smart
    People who enjoy creating music may be music smart. People with this intelligence have a good sense of rhythm and pitch. They understand the relationship between music and emotion. People with careers related to music likely have this intelligence.
  2. Java
  3. 练字
  4. 上课

十月 27, 2006


Are you smart?
All parents know their child is smart. They'll point to their child singing songs or reading books as proof of the child's intelligence. Why then do some of these intelligent children excel in school, while others fall behind?
In 1983, psycholofist Howard Gardner introduced a theory to help explain this problem. His "theory of multiple intelligences" says there are eight different kinds of intelligence. All of these intelligences benefit society. But only two of them help shudents do well in school.
How were Gardner's intelligences include a variety of fields, like math、language、music and nature. Gardner defines intelligence as ability to produce something of value. This broad definition allows people to be smart in many ways, such as the ones listed below.
Word smart
People who are "word smart" are good at languages. They have a large vocabulary in their native language. They may also pick up foreign languages more easily than others. They enjoy telling jokes and writing stories. People who are "word smart" make good lawyers、writers and librarians.

十月 26, 2006



  1. 英语
    When I was 17, my mom told me "People see you as Chinese, not English. So they expect you to speak Chinese. If you can't speak it, you only embarrass youself." I thought she was wrong. In fact, I thought it was small-minded thing to say. After I graduated from university, I spent a year working in Beijing. There I started to understand my mom's words. The local Chinese frequently assumed I was fluent in Chinese. They were shocked when they discovered I wasn't. Meanwhile they praised my Caucasian friends whose Chinese was much worse than mine. I felt so discouraged.
    Many years have passed since my time in Beijing, but I havn't given up learning Chinese. Living in Taiwan, I get the chance to pratice everyday at my office. My Chinese is pretty fluent now. But I know that my accent will always give away my overseas background.
    Although I've struggled with languages, I don't regret my bilingual upbringing in England. In fact, I'm glad I had such a rich and interesting childhood. Now I'm in the fortunate position of understanding and appreciating two different cultures. I'm glad to be a overseas Chinese, and can accept that I sound like one.
    small-minded 心胸狭窄的,固执己见的
    give away 透露,泄露
    upbringing 成长背景,教育经历
  2. Java

十月 25, 2006



  1. 英语
    Why I speak with a funny accent
    "Time to go play in the playground, everyone!", my daycare teacher said. All the kids run outside-except me. I just stared up at her. I didn't have a clue what she was saying. When the teacher gestured toward the playground, only then did I understand. I was four years old at the time. Little did I know, but this was the beginning of my lifelong language troubles.
    I was born and grew up in England, but up until the age 5, I spoke little English. My parents only spoke Chinese at home, my only playmates, my cousins also spoke Chinese.
    After seeing how lost I was in daycare, my parents began to worry about my English. They didn't think it would be good enough when I entered kindergarten. So my parents established an all English environment at home. They began to speak only English to me and encourged me to watch English TV programs. My mom also took me to the local library every week to borrow English books.
    Children learn languages easily, and I was no exception. Very soon, I was as fluent as any English child my age. But what's about my Chinese? Well, this's a different story.
    Encouraged to speak in English, I used Chinese less and less often. By the time I was a teenager, I decided I didn't want to speak Chinese anymore. I was happy speaking just English. But my parents weren't so happy about that. Again, they have to take drastic action.
    Our all-English home environment then became all-Chinese environment. If I ever spoke to my parents in English, they pretended not to understand. I have to speak in Chinese before they would answer me. At first, I was stubborn and simply stoped speaking to them. But eventually I grudgingly gave in. My parents then realized that I had forgotten a lot of my Chinese. But personally, I wasn't bothered that my Chinese wasn't good. Whom did I need to speak it with, I spoke English with my friends at school. And my parents' English was good. I didn't need to be bilingual.
    I did have some Chinese friends, too-both in school and church. But they didn't speak Chinese, either. And their parents certainly didn't force them to. I wished my parents would more like theirs. For many years, my parents and I was at odds with each other on this issue. We all felt frustrated.
  2. Java
  3. 练字
  4. 运动

十月 22, 2006


今天就练了一个小时的字,其它什么都没做了,才坚持了那么几天就开始松懈了。Core Java看到了第七章其实才刚刚开了个头,重要的内容都在后头,不抓紧一点时间的话这学期连Core Java卷一都看不好,还谈什么学习Java。这学期课又挺多,其中有几科,诸如移动通信原理、信息论、概率论、通信网理论、C++这些,想过的话还是得花点时间的,真正能用来看Java的时间并没有多少。再次明确一下目标,近期以Java为学习重点,尽快把Core Java的基本内容掌握。

十月 21, 2006


这两天感觉心情有点浮躁,做什么事都静不下心来,以后得早一点休息了,最近都睡的太晚,终究对身体也不好。今天看了五集"Rome",不知道所反映的罗马 生活是否真实准确,从剧中看来,当时的罗马人性观念倒是挺开放的。其中最为淫荡、阴险的一个女人就是屋大维的老娘,为了政治目的和自身利益而到处勾引男 人,在床上翻云覆雨的时候旁边还得有一群仆人伺候着。屋大维十三四岁的时候,他妈妈就逼着他去嫖妓,还无耻的跟她儿子说"你祖父在你这么大的时候,家中女 仆没有一个安全的",可想而知当时罗马贵族生活是多么糜烂。而作为社会最底层的奴隶则完全没有任何的自由可言,作为奴隶就是任人买卖、任人践踏的。庞贝在 被凯撒逼迫不得不放弃罗马撤到西班牙的时候对服侍他的奴隶说了一段话,大意是"你这可怜虫,没有自己的思想,只要做主人吩咐的事,不必为以后操心"。 "Rome"确实是一部好剧,希望能快出第二季。

  1. 英语

    Since 1823, the most popular way to see lake Genera is by lake steamer. Hop on and travel to the charming city of Lausanne. It has both an upper and lower town. In the Haute Vila(upper town), you will see reminders of the Middle Ages. Exploring on foot is the best way to see this old section of town. You might get lost in the narrow, winding streets, but that's part of the fan. In Ouchy(lower town), sports enthusiasts may want to visit the Olympic Museum. Lausanne is the headquarters of the International Olympic committee.
    A short train ride brings you to the resort town Vevey. In Vevey's historic old town, interesting shops and restaurants line the narrow streets. Stop in at the tourist office and get a free brochure called "On the Trail of Hemingway". The brochure will lead you to places that hemingway and other famous people have visited in Vevey. For something out of the ordinary, visit the Musee de I' Alimentarium. The museum celebrates the development of food around the world. Inside, you can push buttons on exhibits to smell different foods.
    Lausanne 洛桑,瑞士西部城市,位于日内瓦湖北岸
    reminder 提醒的人,暗示
    remainder 残余,剩余物,其他的人
    Hemingway 海明威
    Musee 沉思,缪斯女神
  2. Java 今天就看了一个小时,Java的学习刚刚开始,现在才接触到真正有用的东西。
  3. 练字 练了一个多小时,没啥感觉。
  4. 运动 今天太冷,感觉好累好累,回来的时候才开始出汗,以后得想着做点其它运动了。
  5. 上课 信息论又逃了,打破了我人生记录,一周的课统统逃了。

十月 20, 2006



  1. 英语
    Exploring Beautiful Lake Geneva
    Everywhere you look in Switzerland, you see beautiful scenery. Snow covers high mountain peaks. Lovely Swiss houses grace the mountain slopes. The sun dances on blue mountain lakes. Lake Geneva is the bluest and largest of all these lakes.
    Each year, thousands of travellers enjoy lake Geneva's beauty and explore it's charming cities and towns. Start your tour of the scenic lake Geneva rigion and Switzerland's second large city, Geneva. The first thing you'll notice here is all the green space, parks, promenades and thousands of trees grace the city.
    See the city on foot, beginning at the symbol of city, the Jetd' Eau. This spectacular fountain sends water 138 meters into the air. Then head to the Jardin Anglais(English garden) to view its famous Flower Clock. Carefully landscaped beds of flowers from the clock's face. As you'd expect from a country famous for making watches, the clock keeps perfect time. Then wander through the Old Town. Explore the old streets with their art galleries, antiques shops and small cafes and restaurants. Be sure to sample cheese fondue, the national dish of Switzerland.
    grace 美化,使优美
    promenade 散步,散步用的小道
    spectacular 引人入胜的,壮观的
  2. 练字

十月 19, 2006



  1. 英语
    wear your music
    Since 2001, Apple computer incorporated has sold more than 4200000 ipod personal music players worldwide. The device's success has inspired many company to create ipod compatible products. Clothing is the latest trend in the ipod market. This year, Levi's introduced the world first ipod compatible jeans, this pants container hide pocket to safely carry the ipod. The jeans are ___ too, they include inbuilding ____ ,so users can adjust the ipod without removing it. The jeans also come with headphones in a special holster to keep wearer from tangle. Jeans are not the only way ipod users can wear their music. Another company, Tum company, makes a fashionable belt with a pocket design to hold the popular digital players. Other clothing makers offer underwear with a small pocket to secretly carry ipod. Adjusting ipod while wearing normal gloves is difficult, but special fabric ipod compitable gloves allow wearer to easily use the player. Jackets are another cold weather ipod clothing option. Several companies sell ipod ready jackets with control panels on the sleeves. For ipod users, this new fashions are music to the years.
  2. Java
  3. 练字
  4. 运动
  5. 上课

十月 18, 2006



  1. 英语
    听了下空中英语,还是Abby in love,太简单了,就听了一遍。
    Decision two
    Cindy Maybe Abby really is ready to start dating.
    Dany Not if she is lying to what's about being just friends with the guy.
    Cindy I agree that was wrong.
    Dany Definitely she loses her cellphone and internet privileges for a week.
    Cindy This's fair, but then maybe wo could let her start dating.
    Dany But we agreed she has to finish her high school first.
    Cindy I know, but maybe wo should re-think that. Abby is pretty mature for her age and Brandon is a good kid.
    Dany True. Ok, I'll trust your judgement, but I think of to hava a talk with Brandon. I want to make sure he know how to treat our daughter.

    Decision three
    Cindy Do you think Abby is right. Should wo re-think our no-dating rule.
    Dany I don't think so. Abby still have one more year of high school, she needs to focus on her studys now.
    Cindy But she is always being an excellent student. Maybe she could date Brandon and still keep up her grades.
    Maybe, maybe not. We don't know that yet.
    Cindy Well there is one way to find out. We could tell Abby she is allowed to date as long as she keep up her grades.
    Dany Well if her grades go down, she can't date for the rest year.
    That sounds reasonable to me. Let's go to tell Abby.

    Episode 201
    Part one
    As night turns into day over Fox River Penitentiary, a hand meticulously works over a crypto-quote. Off-screen, FBI Agent Alexander Mahone asks, “The escapees -- who were they?”


    Another agent tells us; “Michael Scofield, structural engineer, five years for armed robbery. Benjamin Miles Franklin, former U.S. Army, eight years for possession of stolen goods. John Abruzzi, don of the crime family of the same name. Life without parole for conspiracy to commit murder. Charles “Haywire” Patoshik, sixty years for 2nd degree murder. Fernando Sucre, five years for aggravated robbery. David “Tweener” Apolskis, five years for grand larceny. Theodore “T-Bag” Bagwell. Life for six counts of kidnapping and murder. Lincoln Burrows. Scheduled to die next week for the murder of President Reynold’s brother.”

    这段对八个逃犯做一简要介绍。说到Abruzzi时用了don一词,don在意大利语中的意思是a lord or gentleman,这里意思应该是lord,黑帮家族统治者。可怜的Tweener,不知偷了什么东西,竟然用grand larceny,年纪轻轻就被判了五年。

    Mahone asks how long it’s been since they went over the wall? “8:00 p.m. last night.” Scofield and Burrows are brothers. And Scofield’s the mastermind of this thing? I want everything they have on him.

    As Michael and the rest of the cons race through a dense forest, Bellick and his team of C.O.’s are fast upon their heels. The cons momentarily stop to catch their breath, when off screen, they hear a strange sound coming from beyond the tree-line. They walk a few feet and discover the noise is a passing train. The cons break towards it, with Lincoln leading the charge. With the C.O.’s still on their tails, Lincoln, Abruzzi and C-Note race in front of the train and just narrowly cross the tracks to escape on the other side. But Michael and Sucre are a few steps behind them. As they try to keep up, Sucre manages to jump up onto the side of the moving train and climb inside a boxcar. Bellick reaches the tree line and sees Michael grabbing onto the train. Raising his shotgun, he shouts, “Freeze! I will gun you down Scofield!” But Sucre quickly pulls Michael inside just as Bellick fires off a wild shot, hitting the side of the train. The pair then successfully jump off the other side of the train and make their escape. Frustrated, Bellick turns to another C.O., asking where the air units are. “Back on the ground refueling.” Bellick fumes.

    连用了两个短语upon their heels和on their tails,表现出那种紧张的局势。对Bellick的描写挺有意思,fires off a wild shot,哈哈,Bellick已经要抓狂了。

    Back at Fox River, Mahone prepares for a press conference. He straightens the cuffs of his suit jacket, staring into his hardened reflection in a mirror. Before he walks out, he grabs a pen. As camera flashes start to pop off in quick succession, Mahone enters the press conference and takes his position behind the podium. “I’d like to talk about John Wilkes Booth for a moment,” he tells the room of anxious reporters. “Abraham Lincoln’s killer. Twelve days. That’s how long it took to find him. He was a shrewd guy; he knew the land, how to use it to disappear. In his journal during this period he wrote that the shadow was his friend, the night his domain. He acknowledged that whatever neurosis drove the criminal to commit the original crime is compounded, magnified, by flight. By the sounds of dogs at his heels. Fear becomes paranoia, paranoia ultimately psychosis. I bring this up because in 140 years the fundamental mind of the escaped man has not changed. The escaped man is still human. He is still afraid. And he will stop at nothing in his attempt at flight. Fortunately for us, while our quarry has shadow and night as his ally, we have something far greater. Far more powerful than law enforcement had in those days. Television. I would encourage everybody who is watching – everyone in this country to take a look at these faces. These men are now the eight most wanted men in America.”

    这是Mahone的第二次露面,用了hardened一词暗示他的性格,这个变态。he grabs a pen是一个伏笔,后面将看到所谓的钢笔只是用来装毒品的工具。
    the shadow was his friend,嘿,看到这句就想去黑暗精灵崔斯特来了。
    Press conference:应该是新闻发布会吧

    meticulously:taking or showing extreme care about minute details [中]小心翼翼地
    parole:[penology] the conditional release of a person from prison prior to the end of the maximum sentence imposed.[中]假释
    conspiracy: [law]an evil, unlawful, treacherous, or surreptitious plan formulated in secret by two or more persons.[中]阴谋,共谋
    grand larceny:[law] larceny in which the value of the goods taken is above a certain legally specified amount. Also called grand theft.[中]重大盗窃。
    mastermind: a person who originates or is primarily responsible for the execution of a particular idea, project, or the like.[中]策划人,主谋者
    shotgun: a smoothbore gun for firing small shot to kill birds and small quadrupeds, though often used with buckshot to kill larger animals.[中]散弹猎枪,鸟枪。Bellick估计装的是buckshot(大型铅弹)
    freeze:stop suddenly and remain motionless. freeze有很多意思,这个是比较贴切的
    fume: an irritable or angry mood.[中]发怒
    shrewd: astute or sharp in practical matters.[中]精明,狡猾
    paranoia:[psychiatry] a mental disorder characterized by systematized delusions and the projection of personal conflicts, which are ascribed to the supposed hostility of others, sometimes progressing to disturbances of consciousness and aggressive acts believed to be performed in self-defense or as a mission.[心]偏执狂,妄想狂
  2. Java
  3. 练字
  4. 运动
  5. 上课

十月 16, 2006


  1. Java
    今天看Inner class看的稀里糊涂的,可能是那会也不太专心,好多概念都没搞懂。明天主要把这几天看的东西复习一下吧,许多都忘了。
  2. 英语
    Abby in love
    17 years old Abby is spending a lot of time with her classmate Brandon. Her parents
    Dany and Cindy remind her she is not allowed to date till she finishs high school.
    Abby insists she and Brandon are just friends, Dany is skeptical. Then one day Dany
    and Cindy come home early, they find Abby and Brandon hugged on the coach watching
    TV. Dany sends Brandon home and Abby gets upset. "I'm sorry, but the no dating rule
    is so unfair." she says,"Brandon is a great guy, please think about let me date
    him." Dany sends Abby to her rome, so he and Cindy can talk.
    If you are Dany or Cindy, what would you do?
    Decision one
    Cindy: Honey, maybe Abby is right, maybe we are being too strict.
    Dany: Whether we are or not, we need to punish Abby. She can't just break our rules
    when she doesn't agree with them.
    Cindy: Did she really break a rule. We don't know that she and Brandon are
    actually dating.
    Dany: They are absolutely more than just friends.
    Cindy: Maybe, but their relationship still seems innocent. Maybe wo should let her
    Dany: Honey, if we change the rule now, she'll think she can break any rules she disagrees with.
    Cindy: I guess you are right, she can wait today until after she graduates. She should be focusing on school now anyway.
    hug 拥抱,依偎
    curfew 宵禁,门禁
    you are grounded 你被禁止出门。管教孩子很管用

  3. 练字
  4. 运动
  5. 上课



  1. Java 今天看了Core Java 第五章余下的内容,第六章看了两小节,主要内容是Object Wrappers and Autoboxing、Enumeration Classes、Interfaces、Object Cloning。虽然书上的代码都写了一遍,可现在又忘的差不多了。明天主要看Inner Classes,并把第六章的内容总结一下。
  2. 英语 周日没有空中英语,主持人也是要休息滴呀。晚上听了13号的录音。
    A Model Queen
    Becoming a queen
    That in the ____ was to a dinner party hosted by one of Jordan's royals. It was there that Rania met Abdullah then the prince of Jordan. It was love at first sight for Abdullah. The couple was married just five months later in June 1993. Although she had married a prince, Rania did not expect to become queen. Prince Abdullah wasn't named his father's successor until 1999. Suddenly Abdullah and Rania face to many new responsibilities and challenges.
    Since becoming queen in 1999, Rania has focused her attention on a wide range of progressive issues. Queen Rania works hard to promote women' rights, she also speaks out against the triditional hindraces to freedom. In 2004, she created a nationwide human rights day, the first of this kind in the Middle East. Queen Rania has the Jordan River Foundation, through it she helps creat child-abuse centers and improve economic development. She also fights for better schools and involved numerous charities
    hindrace 妨碍,障碍
    economic 经济的,经济学的
    economist 经济学家
    economy 经济,节约, 节约措施, 系统, 机体, 经济制度的状况
    economical 节约的,节俭的
    charity 慈善 又是听了十几遍才明白是哪个单词,ft!
  3. 练字 哈哈,又是九点关机开始写字,以后养成良好习惯。不过今天写字怎么这么累呢,手就不说了,竟然连脖子也是酸痛,后来去跑完步才感觉好了。
  4. 运动 又是在大运村和北邮之间跑个来回,十多天没跑步了,感觉还挺好,近六公里的路程一口气跑了下来,用了大约40分钟。皮肤有点过敏,以前穿短裤短袖跑步,回来以后胳膊腿上会起一些红色小疙瘩,特别的痒,必须马上洗澡。今天穿了长裤,回来就只有胳膊上痒了,看来主要是北京的空气在作怪。
  5. 上课 今日无课,没有课的日子就是爽!


今天室友买了电磁炉回来,已经在计划做红烧肉了,口水ing !

十月 15, 2006



  1. Java 看了Core Java第五章的一二小节,把书上例子写了一遍,犯了不少错误,先记下来。一、定义abstract方法时后面要加";",例如public abstract String getDescrption();二、"="和"=="的区别,写错一次就够了。 三、何时用"==",何时用"equals"。
  2. 英语 把今天的空中英语听了两遍,并把讨论的主题听写了一下,如下:
    A Model Queen
    The Queen's Critics
    Queen Rania as a model approach to her role has won her many supporters,but her progressive views have also brought her many critics. Many people throughout the Middle East think she should take a more traditional role. Her decision not to cover her head as most triditional master woman do has been controversial. She believes the headscarf should be a woman's choice. Queen Rania insists she is not giving up the tradition." I am Aribian through and through", she says, "but I am also one who speaks the international language".
    Queen Rania's most important roles is her role as a mother, she and King Abdullah have two sons and two daughters. Despite her busy schedule, queen Rania often picks her children up after school, she also spends time with them every evening. Through many people are awestrucked by her title, Queen Rania remains humble. She admits that her life is not fairy tale, and she faces many challenges, but the young queen is looking to the future with hope and determination.
    Rania 拉尼亚,约旦王后,她被誉为阿拉伯世界的戴安娜。
    progressive 进步的,进步论者 liberal 自由主义者
    through and through 彻底地,完全地
    Abdullah 阿卜杜拉,约旦国王
    awestruck 敬畏的,肃然起敬的
    fairy tale 童话故事。听的时候当成一个词了,反复听了二十遍才恍然大悟。

  3. 练字 晚上九点关了电脑开始练字,中间有点困了睡了一小会,到十点十分写了两页。
  4. 运动 这两天北京天气太差了,空气中浮动着厚厚一层油雾,真是不适合运动,下午骑车去了中关村,也算是活动了一下。
  5. 上课 上午的"信息论"又没去上,想想这门课也就第一周去了一下。

十月 14, 2006

使MSN Spaces与bolgger同步更新

MSN Spaces由于与MSN messenger绑定,便于和朋友交流,但访问速度特别慢,而blogger则访问速度特别快,可定制性很强,且无任何广告,但不知道什么时候又会被封了。现在主要使用blogger记录点东西,但又不想放弃使用MSN Spaces,于是就想有没有办法使MSN Spaces和blogger保持同步更新。google了一下,果然有人介绍,方法还是挺简单的,主要用到了邮件发布功能。由于MSN Spaces支持邮件发布,而blogger刚好有一项非常实用的功能,它可以在发布日志的同时把日志发送到一个邮箱里去。
具体方法是:在MSN Spaces里,打开"选项",启用邮件发布功能,最多可以有三个发布日志的邮箱,把blogger的发送地址填进去(不知道的话测试一下就行了),我的blogger发送地址是andyviking@gmail.com。然后输入机密字,完了它会生成一个邮箱地址,例如example.123456@spaces.live.com ,记下这个地址。然后在blogger的邮件发布设置里,BlogSend Address中填入以上地址。以后每次在blogger中发布日志都会通过email自动在MSN Spaces中发布。
以后就用MSN Spaces 做日志备份了。

十月 13, 2006



  1. 学习Java
  2. 学习英语
  3. 练字
  4. 运动
  5. 上课


  1. Java 一直以来都想学一门编程语言,大一时接触了C++,不过自认为连C++的皮毛都没学到,只是对编程多了一点感性认识。现在读研了,目前老板公司的项目主要是用J2EE来做,于是就有了充足的无可逃避的理由来学习Java。目前就先从Core Java看起,学好基础再说,尽量保证每天四个小时以上的时间。
  2. 英语 现在并没有很明确的职业规划,不过想给自己一个好的起点,先去外企做几年,而研究生阶段争取能到外企实习一年。因此,英语就显得尤为重要。自认为英文阅读能力还算可以,但听说就差到没法说了,既听不懂又说不出。不知道别人都是怎么学习英语的,不过对于我来说学起来要有兴趣才可以,对于听说能力的练习,我想先从听空中英语开始,感觉比较适合我现在的水平,发音清晰,词汇量也不大,基本上能听明白。另外就是通过看美剧"PrisonBreak"了,感觉PrisonBreak里很多俚语,语速又特快,看了一遍剧本都很难听懂。不过事在人为,坚持听下来我想听力水平会有一个很大的提高,同时完善我的"PrisonBreak"网站。英语的学习每天1~2个小时吧。
  3. 练字 俗话说字是门面,通过一个人的字就能看出这个人的很多东西来。从小到大,家里人不知吵过我多少次要我练字,可我从来都是辜负了他们的期望。今年暑假,在一个美术老师那练了半个月的字,虽然时间不长,但字体却有了明显的改变,这也给了我练字的信心。可是开学以后,由于种种原因(主要是自己的懒惰),却没有坚持天天练字,想起来的时候才去写几个字。以后要继续坚持下去,每天一个小时。
  4. 运动 今年才22岁,但小肚子已经渐渐有了,曾经引以为傲的腹肌也渐渐湮没在不断变厚的皮脂下,想想30岁时的样子我都不寒而栗。是的,我要运动,一边减肥一边提高自己的身体素质,目标是一年后能变成令我满意的体型。当然也要有合理的饮食才行,我认为的合理饮食是:早饭要吃,中午吃饱,晚上少吃,少吃零食,多吃水果,晚9点以后不再吃东西。
  5. 上课 以上内容做完都要用去我八九个小时的时间了,那我还要去上课吗?结论是,少去上课。其实我现在变得越来越不会听课了,除非是老师讲的特别精彩,否则去上课对我来说就是在无所事事中消磨时间。


