十月 16, 2006



  1. Java 今天看了Core Java 第五章余下的内容,第六章看了两小节,主要内容是Object Wrappers and Autoboxing、Enumeration Classes、Interfaces、Object Cloning。虽然书上的代码都写了一遍,可现在又忘的差不多了。明天主要看Inner Classes,并把第六章的内容总结一下。
  2. 英语 周日没有空中英语,主持人也是要休息滴呀。晚上听了13号的录音。
    A Model Queen
    Becoming a queen
    That in the ____ was to a dinner party hosted by one of Jordan's royals. It was there that Rania met Abdullah then the prince of Jordan. It was love at first sight for Abdullah. The couple was married just five months later in June 1993. Although she had married a prince, Rania did not expect to become queen. Prince Abdullah wasn't named his father's successor until 1999. Suddenly Abdullah and Rania face to many new responsibilities and challenges.
    Since becoming queen in 1999, Rania has focused her attention on a wide range of progressive issues. Queen Rania works hard to promote women' rights, she also speaks out against the triditional hindraces to freedom. In 2004, she created a nationwide human rights day, the first of this kind in the Middle East. Queen Rania has the Jordan River Foundation, through it she helps creat child-abuse centers and improve economic development. She also fights for better schools and involved numerous charities
    hindrace 妨碍,障碍
    economic 经济的,经济学的
    economist 经济学家
    economy 经济,节约, 节约措施, 系统, 机体, 经济制度的状况
    economical 节约的,节俭的
    charity 慈善 又是听了十几遍才明白是哪个单词,ft!
  3. 练字 哈哈,又是九点关机开始写字,以后养成良好习惯。不过今天写字怎么这么累呢,手就不说了,竟然连脖子也是酸痛,后来去跑完步才感觉好了。
  4. 运动 又是在大运村和北邮之间跑个来回,十多天没跑步了,感觉还挺好,近六公里的路程一口气跑了下来,用了大约40分钟。皮肤有点过敏,以前穿短裤短袖跑步,回来以后胳膊腿上会起一些红色小疙瘩,特别的痒,必须马上洗澡。今天穿了长裤,回来就只有胳膊上痒了,看来主要是北京的空气在作怪。
  5. 上课 今日无课,没有课的日子就是爽!


今天室友买了电磁炉回来,已经在计划做红烧肉了,口水ing !
